Posts with Month: June 2018

Posts with Month: June 2018

Sunday June 10, 2018

Trends in the gambling industry and future plans

Mario Ovcharov, CEO of UltraPlay, talks about trends in the gambling industry and shares opinion about future plans in front of Gamblers Post.     – What makes UltraPlay so special software development company in the online gaming industry? –  The innovation and creativity is moving us forward in every aspect of our business and it’s […]

Thursday June 7, 2018

Mario Ovcharov talks about trends in the gambling industry

Mario Ovcharov, CEO of UltraPlay, talks about trends in the gambling industry and shares opinion about future plans. – What makes UltraPlay so special software development company in the online gaming industry? –  The innovation and creativity is moving us forward in every aspect of our business and it’s a vital part of our corporate DNA. […]